Tuesday 26 March 2013

Word search

Okay - here's a very interesting site for you:


Here's what to do:
1. Choose the first letter of the word(s) you are following: e.g. 'm' for 'melt'. Click on it.
2. Find the word from the new list and click again - this will reveal a list of the plays in which Shakespeare uses the word most. For example, 'melt' is used more in Antony and Cleopatra than any other play.
3. Look at all the examples of the word in our play and let me know if you find any interesting patterns or variations in its use? Why does Shakespeare use it so much in this play? What message or theme is he trying to illuminate through its use?
4. Now, for fun, check out a couple of examples of how he uses it in his other plays e.g. Hamlet's first soliloquy uses the word 'melt' in a very interesting way. Does Shakespeare  uese the word in a similar way? Does this reveal anything about his dramatic concerns overall?

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